Friday, December 30, 2005


Upon looking at my online checking account details tonight for the first time in a week, I realized that i had forgotten about a $20 atm withdrawal and that the money I spent tonight on booze pushed me to the edge: that my rent check was about to overdraw my account because of an auto xfer I have going into my savings.
But then I realized that I could immediately xfer the money back into my checking from my savings and thereby keep my rent check from turning my account red.
So now, instead of having $25 to live on for the next week, and instead of having a $25 deficit in my account (due to overdraft fee), I have $1 in my account to live off of, in addition to $3 in my wallet.
At least I have food.
And booze.


I went to another store after I got off of work this evening to look for some booze, something I could take to my friends house tomorrow night, and something that I could drink a little of tonight.
I was headed towards the wine aisle to get a bottle of red wine, and I walked past the champagne.
New Years Eve is when champagne is drunk! (sham-pawg-knee is what I say to myself each time I type champagne to remember the spelling.)
I'd forgotten that, though I sold at least a case of champagne to people today.
I remember last year hearing a dozen corks pop not quite at once and champagne on the floor and in my mouth and on my face and my shirt and I bought a bottle of champagne.
Tonight I will have some cabernet savignon and tomorrow I will go to work and then to my friends house with a bottle of Jameson and the champagne and I'll welcome the new year in a small gathering, as opposed to the massive parties I jammed into the last couple years.

Thursday, December 29, 2005

Two Headlights

I have been inside a lot recently.
Inside of my workplace more often because the holidays dictate busy-ness for a cashier.
Inside of my home more often because it is cold outside in Chicago and I have more time away from work this year than last.
I only work 4 days a week now as a cashier (I recently learned that sentence in Japanese, and it was hard as hell: Ima ichi shuukan no uchi yokkakan, watashiwa shigoto ni ikimasu. <--I think.) and have much more free time, much of which is spent indoors as my reduction in workdays included a reduction in pay.

In short, I have been going somewhat crazy.

I've been talking to myself (though not to an absurd extent; i still make sense) and sitting before the computer and thinking about the cold land outside my window. I rarely know if it is snowing or raining or clear. A very limited amount of light is visible from the window, and my only view through it is of the building next to mine, which is about 15 feet distant, and taller.

When I do go outside, I find that I am almost hit by a car nearly every time.

Two weeks ago, on my way home from work at night, I was walking on the sidewalk towards an intersection with a four way stop at a stop sign. Looking ahead, I saw two headlights, a car, coming towards me from the other side of the intersection.
It was not on the street.
It was on the sidewalk.
I stopped on my side of the intersection, still on the sidewalk and waited. I thought that if it continued coming towards me, then I would run left or right.
I waited because I wanted to watch it; it was so weird to see a car coming at me on the same pedestrian path as me.
The car reached the curb and dropped down onto the asphault without slowing down (it was moving, maybe 20mph) and it's underbelly made a horrible screeching noise as it scraped. The car turned right and traveled up the street to my left. I was able to see the driver's face as the car turned, but he did not look at me.
There was no reason for him to drive on that sidewalk. It is in front of a school, and is very wide, and the first driveway on that block is for a pay-lot. He must have been drunk and turned right onto the sidewalk, instead of the street.
I love Chicago.

Tuesday, December 27, 2005

Pain in the wrist

Here is my first blog on blogspot. I've been writing a blog on much more consistently in the past couple of months and found that I enjoy it, but I've recently decided that I don't want to give myspace any more of my thoughts than I already have, after finally doing some research into how the site came to exist and what is currently going on with it.

The story about myspace in this link was the clincher in my decision to abandon myspace to the domain of networking and take my daily thoughts to a new place. I'll still check my myspace, as it's become an invaluable, though morally unfortunate, (I'm speaking as though I had morals! I'm not entirely certain that I do or don't have them, but the words are nice.) method of contacting many of my friends, but I'll be damned if I'll continue to feed creative content into the terms and conditional claws of a monstrous media giant of certainly ill will and somewhat vague content ownership.

I'm off the MyBoat and into the loving and caressing hands of my surrogate father, Google and his many brethren, at least until the day that he turns upon me, and then probably for awhile after that, out of nostalgic fondness.

So here my thoughts now lie, for the feasting of the few or the many, I know not which will come to feed, but certainly none if I don't write anything after this post, eh?

A reference to my current state: my right hand hurts. I woke up this morning (afternoon, actually) with pain in the wrist. At the time, I believed that it was hurt because I had slept oddly on it, being a face/stomach sleeper, and that that was the cause of the pain. As the day has gone on though, I've realized, after opening a jar of vegetable spread and experiencing pronounced pain in that hand, that it was opening that same stubborn jar for the first time the night before that caused the pain. I had had to beat the lid against the wall and against metal rim of my sink and it still took progressively more exasperated grunts for me to twist the damn top off; that must be the source of my pain. So here I am in pain, and when I wake up tomorrow I hope it will be gone.
Enough of that.