Saturday, February 18, 2006


A surprisingly accurate occurrence.
The last time I got really stoned I found myself reading about the mapping of the human genome (they finished! I didn't know that) and about space and time as dimensions. I learned what a tesseract was and viewed a stereoscopic image of one. At the bottom of one article on hypercubes, I found myself staring at a fractal image, and then I wanted to watch a visualization program. I hunted G-Force out of the Winamp plugin archives, and spent an hour watching that.
All from smoking weed.
Seems like very typical behaviour for a pot smoker, but still I found it odd that I ended up accidentally exhibiting that typical behaviour, as one that rarely smokes .

And today, something rare.
Working as a cashier, I saw two asian women enter my line with two bottles of beer. I listened carefully to them, as I do everytime I see someone ambiguously (to me) asian, to discern if they are Japanese speakers. They were, as I could tell from their speech. I rarely know if someone is japanese before they sign their credit card slip. I said "Konnichiwa" to them, and then told them I spoke a little japanese (in japanese) while I rang them up. I asked them if they wanted paper or plastic (kami ka purastiko(i think i fucked that part up)).
At this point, I noticed that I was trembling very badly. I was shaking. I don't think anyone noticed, but I could tell that it was more difficult to control my arms and hands when I was opening up a bag.
In wondering why I was shaking, I remembered other times that I'd shaken in the same way.
Leading up to and during and after my first kiss. It was a prolonged one, and took place in the front cab of a two seater toyota truck, my first car. I was very nervous and remembered trembling enough for the girl to notice. The severity matched that of what I had today.
The next closest was the first time I drove a car. I was very nervous, but not trembling nearly as much, though the sensation was the same one.
The link seems to be because I was doing something very new and that I'm not experienced in, rather than because the people I was speaking to were female. Also, whether I see the activity as being of import or signifigance or a great desire affects the strength of it.
I tremble! How odd.

1 comment:

Nate said...

We spoke very briefly. In response to "Kami ka purastiko" one girl said "Kami o onegaishimasu."
I said, "hai."
Bagged their order.
One girl said, "domo arigato".
I said the same back to her, and then mumbled "sayonara."
The exchange was very limited.