Tuesday, July 04, 2006

somethings in the something... daaaa da daaa

I acquired a song today while I was working. Unfortunately, I don't know the title or artist that sung it, and it is only in my head. I'm not even sure I have the lyrics right; I only know how it goes. I can sing two lines from it:

"[Something's] in the [bedroom], where we [lay].
The [moon] is always [over], when you [go away]."

The words in [brackets] are the words that I'm not sure of. Whatever is actually sung does sound somewhat close to to these words though. I've tried googling these lyrics, but I haven't been successful. I know that the version I heard today was a punk cover of the song, with a male vocalist; slightly sped up too.
The original version was popular about 3-6 years ago, I think, and was sung by a female vocalist with a fairly high voice; at a slightly slower speed than the punk version.
I would attach an audio file, but I don't have a microphone.
I should get one.


Kyle said...

lets start a band! what should our name be?

Alonzo Riley said...

Get microphone! multimedia is where it's at. rss is neat too.