Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Pride and No Sleep

Tonight I laid down to sleep for 45 minutes and found that I couldn't. My brain is on, and does not appear to want to turn off.
Which is not bad, I'm enjoying it.

I was recently told that my worldview seemed prideful, and that that wasn't good. I didn't have a rebuttal because I had been unsure of how I felt about pride. I think I've developed an answer.

A person with no pride, in anything at all that they do, will likely not do anything interesting. A person with too much pride can be dangerous to the world. Moderation is generally best, but how should that be done? How do I know when I've got too much pride?

My answer:
As long as my close friends can still communicate openly with me, then I am doing fine. Also, as long as I can still meet groups of new people, and get along with at least a couple of them, I can use that to measure as well.
I can ascertain that my friends are good measures, by being very careful about choosing them.
I can strengthen the relative objectivity of my decisions by gaining information continually and increasing my intelligence by as much as I can.
Reading books and doing hard things makes me smarter.
Smarter is always good, cause I often feel kind of dumb.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Smarter is better. Otherwise you get this