Thursday, March 02, 2006

"Tap tap tap tap tap."

After stepping off the train in a small crowd, I walked with them and chose to take the stairs down to the street level. I was moving quickly, and watching for a good route to take among the others already on the stairs.
A woman directly in front of me wore a long black coat, with the hem of a fancy dress sticking out from below, bunching up on each step behind her. I knew this would slow her down so I looked peripherally to my left and found I was moving slightly faster than the person that was there. I sped up a little bit and slipped in front of that person to come abreast with, and then pass on the left, the woman in the long dress.
In front of her, still on the stairs, I noticed a light bright blue glove on a hand. It was knit and had a little bit of other color on it, or maybe a white pattern. I liked it, and the way the arm it was attached to was poised out from the body of the girl moving quickly down the stairs.
We both reached the bottom at about the same time.
I heard her say, "I love-"
and she turned and looked right at me, hesitated for maybe a quarter second and finished with "-going down the stairs!"
Looking at her, I said, "Me too." Then I looked down at my feet and mimed running down stairs really fast with them and said, "Tap tap tap tap tap. Going down stairs is fun!"
Our pause to speak was barely a pause at all, and it seemed as though we never stopped moving. She turned to the right and I turned to the left.
We were headed in opposite directions.

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