Sunday, January 29, 2006

Doom & DNA

All life linked by DNA back to our furthest ancestors. I like that thought.
Life persists.
I've heard some say that we are doomed. We are doomed to destroy ourselves through violence and fear, likely in a holocaust. What is meant by that? Do they mean the human race, or do they mean life itself? I think that's an important distinction.

I could agree with saying that the human race is doomed, but I won't agree with thinking that life is doomed. I wonder if anyone really feels that both are doomed?
I might have felt that way at various times in my past, that it has all been worthless, but not recently. Even in my worst moments, I've still been able to laugh - well maybe that's not quite true. There have been some moments that rendered me pretty motionless.
I feel that whatever we do, we'll find a way for life to survive. It may not be in an immediately recognizable form, but life will continue.
That helps me sleep sometimes.

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