Sunday, January 22, 2006

Sun Stones Moon

At work yesterday, (I am a cashier at a large grocery store) I suddenly found that there were more than three full carts of groceries lined up in front of my register, waiting to be rung up, and all part of the same order. That's very unusual.

A large grocery order at my job is usually around $250. Sometimes $300 or $400, rarely ever $500.

This order came to $2,900, and the guy paid with 29 $100 bills.
Turned out that he was the chef for the Rolling Stones, whom are apparently in town.
I recently realized something.
Most of the modern world currently uses a calendar system of 12 months that follows the cycles of the sun; a solar calendar (which keeps winter from eventually occurring in June in the northern hemisphere). The sun is generally perceived as being masculine, in contrast to the moons femininity; likely because of a woman's period matching the 28 day cycle of the moon (a woman with normal and regular periods, anyway).

Here is the realization:
The corporate world is primarily a male dominated place and has been so for a long time, but it has to operate through the use of a fiscal year, which as I understand it, is broken down in the same way as a lunar calendar: into 4 week periods.
Just as the moon cycles, and just as a woman's body cycles, so cycles the corporate world of finances and exchange.

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